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Intrebari interviu Oracle post tehnic
Data: 6 ianuarie 2012 Ora: 17:17Testarea aptitudinilor
1. Se dau doua cuvinte:
Cuvant 1: 83263641
Cuvant 2: 3715468
Fiecare litera este reprezentata de o cifra si fiecare cifra reprezinta o litera. Se stie ca literele T si R apar de patru ori, S si A apar de doua ori, E,P,O si M apar o singura data fiecare. Cuvantul incepe cu litera T, iar litera E apare doar in primul cuvant.
a). Ce numar reprezinta litera T?
b). Ce numar reprezinta litera S?
c). Ce litera este reprezentata de cifra 2?
d). Ce cifra reprezinta litera A?
e). Care este al doilea cuvant?
2. Un barbat si-a petrecut 1/6 din viata in copilarie, 1/12 din viata in adolescenta si 1/7 din viata celibatar. Dupa 5 ani de mariaj, s-a nascut fiul sau. Acesta a decedat cu patru ani inainte ca tatal sau sa moara. La data decesului fiului, varsta sa era jumatate din varsta tatalui sau.
a. Cati ani a avut tatal sau? (84)
b. La ce varsta s-a casatorit tatal? (33)
c. Ce varsta are fiul? (42)
3. Rita pune intr-un dulap 9 perechi de sosete negre si 8 perechi de sosete albe, dupa care scoate 3 perechi de sosete. Care este probabilitatea ca Rita sa aiba o pereche de sosete negre?
4. Care este valoarea urmatoarei serii: 1/7 + 2/72 + 1/73 +2/74 + 1/75 + ……….
5. Ce valoare ar trebui sa aiba a in polinoamele x2 – 11x + a si x2 – 14x + 2a astfel incat aceste doua polinoame sa aiba factori comuni?
a) 24
6. Care din urmatorii operatori nu este utilizat pentru Outer Join?
a. =
b. !=
c. AND
d. OR
7. PL/SQL utilizeaza:
a. Early Binding
b. Late binding
c. No Binding
d. Deferred Binging
8. Daca un tabel contine 100 de randuri si este trunchiat, atunci cate randuri se updateaza?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 100
d. Nici un rand
9. Care este outputul urmatorului program C:
10. Care este o/p al urmatorului program C:
char str[7]=”strings”;
11. main()
file *fp;
Ce indica fp?
12. Care este numarul maxim de argumente care pot fi date unei linii de comanda in C?
13. Care este marimea variabilei unui numar intre in Java?
Aptitude section of Oracle
1. Two words are given:
Word 1: 83263641
Word 2: 3715468 ( don’t remember the order of the numbers.)
Each character is represented by a digit and each digit represents a character.
It is given that T and R occur four times. S and A occur two times. E, P, O and M occur one time each. The word
2. A man spent 1/6th of his life in child hood, 1/12th of his life as youngster and 1/7th of his life as a bachelor. After five years of his marriage a son was born to him. The son died four years before the father died and at the time of his death his age was half the total age of his father.
a. What is the age of the father. (84)
b. At what age was he married.(33)
c. What is the age of his son.(42)
3. Rita puts 9 pairs of black socks and 8 pairs of white socks in a drawer. She takes 3 socks. What is the probability that we get a pair of black socks.
4. What is the value of the following series 1/7 + 2/72 + 1/73 +2/74 + 1/75 + ……….
5. What should be the value of a, in the polynomials x2 – 11x + a and x2 – 14x + 2a, so that these two polynomials have common factors. a) 24 b)1 c)-1 d)1/2
1. Which of the following operator is not used in Outer Join?
a. =
b. !=
c. AND
d. OR
2. PL/SQL uses which of the following
a. Early Binding
b. Late binding
c. No Binding
d. Deferred Binging
3. If table contains 100 rows and it is truncated, how many rows get updated
a. 0
b. 1
c. 100
d. No rows updated
4. The size of the float data type in C language is …
What is the output of the following C program.
5. What is the o/p of the following C-program.
char str[7]=”strings”;
6. main()
file *fp;
What does fp point to?
7. What is the maximum no. of arguments that can be given in a command line in C.
8. When the variables are pushed into the stack, which method is used to retrieve them from it.
a) pop b) pull c) remove d) none of these.
9. What is the size of integer variable in JAVA?