Intrebari interviu IBM 2009

Data: 6 ianuarie 2012   Ora: 12:18

Interviul pentru un post tehnic la IBM este structurat in mai multe etape:

•    Intrebari matrice de date: 15 intrebari in 12 minutes
•    Serii numerice: 20 intrebari in 4 minute
•    Intrebari artimetice: 12 intrebari in 15 minute


              Col 1   Col 2    Col3   Col4
Rand 1       @        %         $      #
Rand 2       %        +         #       &
Rand 3       @         &        %       #
Rand 4        *         +         $      &

Interschimba randul 3 cu coloana 3, randul 1 cu randul 4 si inverseaza elementele din diagonala de la stanga sus pana la dreapta jos. Care este al patrulea element din ranndul al doilea? Care este al doilea element de pe diagonala de sus?


Inlocuieste semnul intrebarii (?) cu numarul care urmeaza:

1: 11,22,23,11,24,25, ?
2: 1,4,9.64, ?
3: 2,3,5,7, ? (numere prime)


Daca o firma are 20 de angajati, dintre care 20% sunt matematicieni, atunci cate persoane ar trebui sa angajeze firma astfel incat sa existe un raport de 10/11 intre angajati?


•    Data Matrix Questions (no negative marking) : 15 questions in 12 minutes
•    Number Series (1/4th negative) : 20 questions in 4 minutes
•    Arithmetic Questions (1/4 negative): 12 questions 15 minutes


              Col 1  Col 2  Col3  Col4
Row 1        @     %       $       #
Row 2        %     +        #       &
Row 3        @      &        %      #
Row 4        *       +        $       &

Interchange Row3 with col3 , Row1 with Row4 and reverse the diagonal elements from top left to bottom right:

Quest: which is the 4th element of row2;
Quest: which is the second diagonal element from top;

NOTE: change in the matrix is applied only for the particular questions only , it is not reflected in to another question.


1: 11,22,23,11,24,25, ?
2: 1,4,9.64, ?
3: 2,3,5,7, ? (prime numbers)

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