Intrebari interviu CISCO

Data: 5 ianuarie 2012   Ora: 16:39

Sectiunea 1

1: Un barbat se duce la piata cu o suma de bani, cu care poate cumpara 15 creioane sau 25 de pixuri. Din acea suma de bani, pastreaza 15% pentru biletul de autobuz, iar cu restul de bani cumpara 5 creioane si X pixuri. Cate pixuri a cumparat?

2: Un barbat escaladeaza un zid. Pentru fiecare 4 pasi inainte, el va face 2 pasi inapoi. Daca pentru a face 3 pasi dureaza 12 minute, in cat timp va urca 48 de metri (1 pas=2 metri)?

3: Exista doua trenuri, de lungime x si y si cu viteze u si v. In cat timp va depasi trenul mai rapid pe cel de-al doilea tren?

Sectiunea 2

1. main()

{ fork();





De cate ori va tipari ‘Hello’?

2. char A[5,6]

Cati biti sunt necesari?

3. In ce layer se utilizeaza ‘Bridges’?

4. 'Bigendian' inseamna:

a. bitul inferior stocat in adresa inferioara

b. bitul inferior stocat in adresa superioara

5: #define mmx 10+10

6. main()

{ j=0


{ j+=i; }


Care este valoare pentru i si j la sfarsitul ciclului?

7. Care sunt conditiile pentru ‘Dead lock’?



1: A man went to market with some money.With that money he can buy 15 pencils or 25 pens. He kept 15% of that money for bus fare and with rest of the money he purchased 5 pencils and 'x' pens. How many pens did he purchase?

2: A man is climbing a wall. For every 4 steps gone up he will slip down 2 steps. If he takes 12 min to take 3 steps, how much time does it take to climb 48 meters (one step = 2 meters)?

3: There are two trains with lengths x and y and speeds u and v. The trains are approaching each other. How much time does it take for the faster train to cross the other train?


1. main()

{ fork();





How many times it will print hello?

2. char A[5,6] How many bytes it requires?

3. Bridges are used in which layer?

4. Bigendian means:

a. lower byte stored in lower address

b. lower byte stored in higher address

5. #define mmx 10+10

6. main()

{ j=0


{ j+=i; }


What is the value of i & j at the end of the loop?

7. Dead lock conditions

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